Krebs' Class Blogs

Constructing, creating, communicating, collaborating, and thinking critically in grade 5.

Ms. Know-It-All’s Poem

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  1. When you wake up and you remember something  bad that makes you sad, go back to bed before you become mad.
  2. Start with a smile on your face, that will make the rest of your day great.
  3. Hear your mom singing, making for you a great pudding, that will make you happy so you will start running.
  4. Put all your books in the bag, and don’t forget your homework. Your teacher is going to be glad!
  5. Go to the car with your mom, or wait for the bus to come.
  6. Once you arrive to school, don’t take off your smile. Just stay cool!!!
  7. Never mind those mean girls. They didn’t even comb their curls !
  8. Always bring full marks in all the tests, or else, you will fail from the beginning of the year to the rest.
  9. Eat fruits and vegetables, like marrow. So you won’t be fat or narrow.
  10. Try to give advice to smaller kids. Tell them to beware of nits.
  11. End your day with a beautiful way, and say: What a great day I had.

P.S  (This poem is written by MsKIA (Ms. Know-It-All )

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