Krebs' Class Blogs

Constructing, creating, communicating, collaborating, and thinking critically in grade 5.

Superman is my Dad


Some people have Superman as their best character. Well, I don’t need to, because I live with him the whole day. My dad is Superman. He can fly to the supermarket, travel to the library in 2 seconds. He does all of this and more just to save me from danger.

Don’t laugh because that is my daily life. I could tell you guys what is the use of  all of these things. Many uses and some are–Pencils, pens, markers, scissors, erasers, glue, papers, charts, tape and more resources that anyone could need for school or for crafts.

My mother also needs him. He may bring her vegetables, fruits, cup, plates, extra food to cook, and so on.

So near my other sister also needs him. So as well as my other two brothers will need him next year or the year after that.

My dad is Superman and I am proud.

Author: salmaa22

My name is Salma Albaz. I am 10 years old and I blow my candles on the 27th of May. I am a fifth grader and I study in Alraja School in Bahrain, though I am an egyptian. My dream is to be a scientist because science is awesome.


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