Krebs' Class Blogs

Constructing, creating, communicating, collaborating, and thinking critically in grade 5.

Conquering the Comma


When do you use a comma? We all make mistakes at times, like Senator Grassley did in his correspondence cited in number 3 below.

I just finished reading a set of essays, and I was pleased at the quality of my students’ work. For the most part and with occasional reminders, the students are learning how to use commas in all these ways.

  1. Direct address. Come here, boys, and get lunch. Tyler, do you have time to do it?
  2. Set off year in a date. March 29, 2012, was a very good day.
  3. Set off state or country. My trip to Barcelona, Spain, was a success.

    Letter to the Director of the Secret Service by Senator Charles Grassley, April 2012

  4. Series of three or more. I enjoy eating pizza, carrots, potatoes, and peas.
  5. After a dependent clause in a complex sentence. As soon as we finish the game, we will eat.
  6. After other introductory words and phrases at the beginning of a sentence. Having eaten all the cookies, Matilda got sick. At the beginning of the trial, the judge called a meeting. Well, I don’t like that.
  7. Before one of the FANBOYS conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) in a compound sentence. I will be here for the game, but I will be a few minutes late.
  8. Between the tag and the quotation. Becca said, “Booggity, booggity, booggity.”

Don’t use a comma:

  1. No comma between the two verbs in a compound predicate. She gave the girls pizza and washed the dishes after they ate.
  2. No comma in any list of two things. I like going to the playground on Saturday and the mall on Friday.

Author: Denise Krebs

I'm the chief learner in life's adventure.

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