Krebs' Class Blogs

Constructing, creating, communicating, collaborating, and thinking critically in grade 5.

Nonfiction Project


You can decide which project to do, the BIOGRAPHY or LEARNING/TEACHING. Click on the title to see the rubric.

Biography Project

  1. Choose a person you can learn about. Find a lot of choices here on Ducksters Biographies for Kids. Here are some Islamic scholars and scientists on Ducksters.
  2. Learn about your special person. Notice at the bottom of each article on Ducksters there is a quiz and an audio recording that you can listen and follow along. 
  3. Write a short piece about your character using first-person perspective. (That means you pretend to be that person, saying “I did this and that.”) Complete these sentence starters:
    • I was born…
    • I work as…
    • My family is…
    • Something I enjoy is…
    • I am proud of…
    • At the end of my life I…
  4. Have your sentences proofread for spelling and grammar.
  5. Write the sentences (or notes to help you remember) on 3×5 cards.
  6. Practice reading the cards until you don’t have to read them so much.
  7. Sign up for a time to present.
  8. Dress up like the person and present to the class.

Learning / Teaching Project

  1. Choose a topic you can learn about. Find a lot of choices here about History, Geography, and Science.
  2. Learn something new about your topic. Notice the links at the bottom to help you read with understanding. 
  3. Complete a graphic organizer with the main idea and supporting details.
  4. Write a short piece about your topic where you are teaching your audience about the topic.
    • Ask a question for an introduction.
    • State the main idea in a sentence.
    • Add three supporting details in 3-6 sentences.
    • End with a concluding sentence.
  5. Have your sentences proofread for organization, spelling, and grammar.
  6. Write the sentences (or notes to help you remember) on 3×5 cards.
  7. Make an animation to illustrate something you will teach us.
  8. Practice reading the cards until you don’t have to read them too much.
  9. Sign up for a time and present to the class.

Author: Denise Krebs

I'm the chief learner in life's adventure.

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