Krebs' Class Blogs

Constructing, creating, communicating, collaborating, and thinking critically in grade 5.

Not everybody knows nature


Nowadays, all people have an electronic device. But these things are blocking things better than them. And the thing that screens are blocking is: Nature.

Everything the nature contains has something amazing. Nature has a song for who listens. I don’t mean that there is really a song and people who are deaf can’t listen. I mean that if somebody doesn’t look and see the wonders of nature, he cannot see what planet earth is like.

Not everybody knows nature. Nature is not only a plain with trees. Sometimes when you are on a mountain and there’s another mountain in front of you and it’s time for sunset, some people just call someone or get their noses on a screen. Nature is more that you think. I don’t mean stop using any screen. What I mean is that don’t let it ruin how you see nature.

Author: Ayman10+

Hi! I am Ayman10+! I am interested in almost everything, especially in science.


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