Krebs' Class Blogs

Constructing, creating, communicating, collaborating, and thinking critically in grade 5.

A Dream that Never Comes True


Some dreams, like going to a park, might be true. But some dreams, like put yourself on fire and never die, might NEVER be true. For me, when a dream can’t be true, I just do it in my dreams. I sometimes go to my room, shut the door, and imagine! If I imagine myself sitting in a fighting plane, I sit on a chairĀ and imagine the background and people. When I imagine putting myself on fire, I take a stick or something like that and, again, imagine that I’m on fire!

You try it! It’s fun. I can do ANYTHING IN ANYWHERE!

Author: Ayman10+

Hi! I am Ayman10+! I am interested in almost everything, especially in science.


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