Krebs' Class Blogs

Constructing, creating, communicating, collaborating, and thinking critically in grade 5.

How to be Awesome



I made this artwork for showing the world to be awesome

    Would you like to be awesome? I want to be awesome in everything. But no one could be awesome in everything. So I try as much as I can to be awesome in everything I do. And I would like to share with you the things that I am trying to be awesome in.

    I like to be awesome in all of my art skills so that when there’s an art contest I could participate and win. And of course to make my art marks higher at school. And another thing I want to be awesome in is cooking, because on those days, when I wake up and my parents are out, I don’t eat anything until they come back home. And the most hard thing I think I could cook is Spaghetti. But I think that it will be more easier watching my mom cook than cooking by myself.

    There are so many things I want to be awesome in, and here’s a list about them: waking up early ((automatically)), making a cute hairstyle without my mom’s help, ironing my clothes, always have full marks at school, never take food from my friend, swimming in a deep pool….. Well, these are just some of the things that I want to be awesome in.

  As I said, I always tried to be awesome in everything, and sometimes I make it. I remember once when I was 4 years old, I was so hungry so I went to the kitchen and I saw can. That time, I really wanted to see what was in that can so I tried to open it in 3 days. Everyday I try to open a little bit and on the third day I opened it successfully it but accidentally I scratched my hand with the tip of the can, but that was worth it.

  And there are also some things that I tried to be awesome in since I was a little kid until now. And one of these things are writing a whole book, keeping my table organized at least a week and so many more things.

   I tried my best to be awesome so it’s your turn now! Try to be awesome and don’t give up. And that is what will make you mean the world for something.



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