Krebs' Class Blogs

Constructing, creating, communicating, collaborating, and thinking critically in grade 5.

Meme: What are you proud of?


I’ve seen the word meme, but I never knew what it was. Today our class was tagged to participate in a meme for the blogging challenge, so I went to Wikipedia and found out a meme is a replicator of ideas. “The concept comes from an analogy: as genes transmit biological information, memes can be said to transmit ideas and belief information.” (Wikipedia)

OK, so we are going to spread this meme around the world. Our ideas are about personal pride. Here is the meme theme. (Hey, that’s a terse verse.)

Describe one of the things you have done in life, that makes you glow with pride.

Many wonderful things in my life bring me pride–my long happy marriage, my two delightful children, and my teaching career are some of them. However, today the one thing I’ve done in life that makes me glow with pride is that I graduated from college. I went to a state university in California. I lived at home and worked so I could pay my way through college. I have six brothers and sisters, and I was the first one to get a Bachelor’s degree. That’s one of the things that makes me glow with pride.

Now it’s your turn. What are you proud of? Some of my students will be writing blog posts about what they are proud of, and we are tagging these teachers and classes to join the meme.

What is one thing you are glowingly proud of? Miss Trask and class, Ms. Chesebro and class, Mr. Heinrichs and class, Ms. Edwards and students, Mrs. Allen and classes, and Mrs. Wilson and class.

Author: Denise Krebs

I'm the chief learner in life's adventure.


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